Account Center

24/7 online access

Add funds, make changes, find forms, and manage your GET or WA529 Invest account anytime by logging in with the username and password used during account creation.

Sign in to GET

Sign in to WA529 Invest

WA529 Manage Account

Add funds & grow your account

GET Guaranteed Education Tuition

Three simple ways to boost your GET account:

  1. Make Lump Sum contributions at any time online. You can also opt for overnight check delivery via FedEx or UPS.
  2. Add or increase your Payroll Direct Deposit or Automatic Withdrawal (ACH) amounts.
  3. Ask family and friends to chip in by making gift contributions to your GET account for special occasions like birthdays, graduations, and holidays.

WA529 Invest

Contribute your way to your WA529 Invest account up to $500,000 for GET and WA529 Invest combined. You can:

  1. Seamlessly and securely connect one or more bank accounts to your account.
  2. Make contributions as small as $5 at any time.
  3. Set up recurring monthly transfers.
  4. Have your contributions taken automatically from your payroll every month by filling out a Payroll Deduction form. (Access forms).

Access all forms and information

Access the forms you need for your GET or WA529 Invest account. Most are available to complete online or download and print if you’d like to complete forms by mail.

View GET forms View WA529 Invest forms

Make changes to your account

You can log in to update personal information such as your address, password, email, or contact details. For more complex changes, such as transferring account ownership (notarization required) or managing a Custom Monthly Plan opened before June 30, 2022, you can visit our Forms page for guidance or call customer service.

GET (800) 955-2318
WA529 Invest (844) 529-5845

Paying for school

When your student is enrolled in an eligible institution, or apprenticeship or certificate program, you can easily request account distributions.

GET Guaranteed Education Tuition

If you’ve verified your GET units are eligible for use and your student is enrolled, you can easily request account distributions.

Request distribution online

  1. Log in to your GET account
  2. Select Use Units
  3. Review your available unit balance and click Request a new distribution to start the process.
  4. Follow the prompts.

Request distribution via mail
You can request account distributions by downloading and mailing the appropriate paper form.

WA529 Invest

You can have payments sent to any eligible educational institution using online distribution, or by using a Withdrawal form (found on the WA529 Invest forms page).

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Need help?

If you need extra assistance, you can always contact:

  • GET Contact Center
    Phone: (800) 955-2318 (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • WA529 Invest Customer Service
    Reach our team directly through your online account or customer help options.